Corso di Formazione Insegnanti di Hatha Yoga con Vallo e Nicklin

Da Sabato 8 settembre a Sabato 15 settembre 2018

Zollino (LE) - Puglia

Ambra Vallo

Ambra is a former Principal ballerina with the Birmingham Royal Ballet. Throughout her career she enjoyed the chance to perform on stages all around the world. She turned to yoga on a path to recovery from injuries that naturally result from the strenuous training regime, and as well as becoming a hobby she also credits it with helping to enhance and prolong her career. Slowly over the years she fell in love with the more subtle, spiritual parts of the practice.

Retiring from dance allowed her the time to focus on her passion and to undertake further training in Ashtanga Vinyasa (500hrs), Rocket Yoga (400hrs), Forrest Yoga (200hrs and Advance TT), Tripsichore (200hrs), and Dharma Yoga (800hrs). Ambra's teaching is fun and spontaneous following the lineage of Larry Shultz, Ana Forrest, and Sri Dharma Mittra. Since she retired from professional ballet she has been teaching regularly in teacher training courses, has worked with performers and athletes helping to rethink their traditional training regimes and introduce yoga to drive better performance and increase their enjoyment of sport and performance. Her aim is to guide others so as they may also experience the many amazing benefits of yoga to the body, mind and soul.

Aside from being a facilitator, and a practitioner, Ambra also holds a Masters in Philosophy in Sports Psychology. She is a trainee with the Yoga Sports Science, and loves spending time with her beloved Baxter, a fore-paw standing Border Terrier frequently gracing her Instagram posts (@ambrasana).

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