Ashtanga Yoga Deepening the practice

Da Lunedì 16 ottobre a Domenica 22 ottobre 2017

Monticello Amiata - Toscana

This workshop aims to delve deeper into the eight limbs of the Ashtanga Vinyasa method with daily two asana practices (morning and evening), mudra, pranayama and philosophy.

Open for non-experienced practitioners as much as for experienced teachers, the subjects treated in these six days will be easy to grasp but yet a great tool for the blossoming of your practice.

Early bird price, until end June, €200 + accommodation (around €450)
From July to end of August €300 + accommodation (around €450)
From August until October €450 + accommodation (around €450)

The workshop will be given mainly in english but also italian, french and spanish translations will be available.

During the workshop a book will be given as study material. By January 2018 the students are asked to send a short 3000 word summary on a subject of choice on the study material. This will allow the student to receive a diploma of 70 hours of teacher-training. Three of such workshop will result with a 200-hours certificate. I don't care about diplomas but the world sometimes do and student do, this is the best way to make sure well versed teacher will get out there to spread yoga.

For any information please contact



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TulsiYoga asd
Via Belluno 7 - 00161 Roma
Tel. 06 9292 7879
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